Western Europe
Asia - China
Asia - India
Asia - Singapore
BD Multimedia NYSE
3 server hosting locations for uninterrupted global connectivity
28 years in the payments and telecoms business
1997: the year we floated on the stock market
100,000+ merchants using our solutions
46,293,152: our annual USD revenue in 2012
200,000,000+ transactions in the past ten years
Whatever the services our team devises and promotes, we always keep the following principles firmly in mind:
I'd like to emphasize the last point:
my professional experience has taught me to work and indentify markets in many different industries. I can only thank the people who work around me for helping
the company develop sales and services in countries I never thought we would ever have access to!
In spite of our size, we do our best to maintain the spirit of a small business: this helps maximise staff potential and give our people flexibility in their careers and roles.
Every member of our multicultural team can and does contribute to decisions and influence the path we take as a company.
Partnering with end users, clients and providers around the world helps our people make smart decisions across many cultures and languages.
Our employees are ideally placed to understand constantly evolving web trends and the future challenges facing the payments and telecommunications industries and to embrace our new globalized world as part of a multicultural team.